Sunday 29 December 2013

Realms of the world

Dear friends,

      Upsc now a days is more inclined towards the Bio Geography, more questions are from this unit also from the Environmental segment so a little bit caution in these segments yield good results.  In the last two Civil Mains examination there are questions pertaining to the REALMS.  Here in this article please find the basic information about the Realms of the World.

Def:  "A Realm is a large spacial region where ecosystems share a similar Biota"  

There are Eight bio geographic realms all over the world, 

1. Nearctic Realm
2. Palaearctic Realm
3. Afrotropical Realm
4. Indomalayan Realm
5. Oceania Realm
6. Australian Realm
7. Antarctic Realm
8. Neotropical Realm

Nearctic and paleartic realms :  These realms together called as Holarctic Realm, it includes most of the Northern hemisphere, the Nearctic realm includes North America & Mexico where as Palearctic realm includes  Europe, Asia except South East Asia.  
     The Fauna of the Nearctic and Palarctic are really quite similar, with such animals as Wood Warblers, Deer, Bison, Wolves. 
Afrotropical Realm : This realm is otherwise called as Ethiopian Realm the northernmost Africa is not included in this realm as the northernmost Africa is more similar to that of Europe. This realms fauna is rich with Antelopes, Giraffes, Elephants, Rhinoceros, Gorillas, Dogs and Cats.  
 Indomalayan Realm : This realm is otherwise called as Oriental Realm it includes India, Southeast Asia and Indonesia, this realm is very rich in Bio diversity with trees shrews, Orangutans and Gibbon.  Recently a number of new species were discovered in this realm especially in the areas like Borneo.
Australian Realm : Australia and nearby islands, with a preponderance of Marsupials, Large flightless birds and parrots, as well as an Kangaroos, Kiwis.  This realm is sometimes called as Austalasian Realm.
Neotropical Realm : This realm includes South and Central America also the areas like Caribbean islands with Sloths, Armadillos, Anteaters, Tapirs, Toucans and Humming birds.

These are the realms pertaining to Fauna let us see in the next posting about the Realms of the World pertaining to Flora.
